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Becoming a Locksmith
Becoming a Locksmith

Becoming a Locksmith

Becoming a Locksmith

Are you considering a career as a professional locksmith? Have you hired locksmiths in the past and wondered which kind of qualifications are needed to become one? At QuickPro Locksmith, our highly trained and experienced mobile locksmiths proudly provide local home and business owners with quality services including lockout assistance, rekeying, high security lock upgrades, key duplications and more. Here are just some of the basic requirements that modern locksmiths must complete before beginning their professional career. 

Why Requirement Standards are Important

Unfortunately, the locksmith industry is full of impostors. In some states that have few requirements, it’s easy for a novice to create a legal business, get a website and start answering service calls. If you want to ensure that your locksmith is qualified to perform a quality lock repair, key duplication, high security lock installation, transponder key programming or other important service, be sure to find out what kind of training they’ve had and if they’re registered with a professional association or organization created for the locksmith industry. 

Basic Requirements

Training and licensure requirements vary from state to state, but there are a few basic minimum standards that almost every area in the US will demand from individuals who want to become a locksmith. 

  • Must be 18 years or older
  • Complete some form of training, apprenticeship or examination
  • Pass a thorough criminal background check


Not all states require training, but most do. Therefore, an aspiring locksmith should still invest in proper training so they are adequately prepared to provide quality services. Having training can help you get a job with a reputable locksmith company, and will give you the confidence needed to help customers with a wide variety of lock and security problems. Most major cities will have at least one locksmith training facility available. Do your research ahead of time before enrolling, and make sure they are an accredited institution that will help you earn the proper credentials needed to perform locksmith services in your state.  

Licensure and Certification

The Associated Locksmiths of America offers training classes and certifications for Registered Locksmith, Master Safe Tech, Automotive Locksmith and other important professional designations. They also offer continuing education so professionals can stay informed about advancements and changes in the industry. Contact the appropriate authority in your state or county to register for a license after earning your certification and be sure to stay on track with licensing requirements such as continuing education training and payments, otherwise you might lose your license and will be working illegally.  

Need Help from a Qualified Locksmith? Call QuickPro Locksmith Today

Are you in need of a professionally trained locksmith in the Atlanta, Georgia area? Then call the experts at QuickPro Locksmith today. Our qualified mobile locksmiths are excited to offer a variety of residential, commercial and automotive services in Atlanta, Sandy Springs, Suwanee, College Park, Stone Mountain, Alpharetta, Marietta, Buckhead and other metro area neighborhoods. Contact our office today for more information or to schedule a convenient appointment with a knowledgeable, experienced locksmith near you.