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Things You Need to Know About Bump Keys

Things You Need to Know About Bump Keys

It is expected that door locks should keep intruders away from our property and valuable, however, with a technique called ‘‘bumping’’ intruders can now easily unlock your deadbolt and break-into your property. There are indications that two out of every three property break-ins does not show any sign of forced entry. 

What is more worrisome is that your home or property could be the next depending on the type of lock you currently use. If your home or property still uses the standard or conventional door lock or deadbolts It is therefore recommended that you upgrade to a bump proof lock by calling professionals at QuickPro Locksmith.

How is Bumping Done

Specifically, a bump key is placed in the lock and then hit with a hard object resulting in forcing the pin above the shear line long enough to unlock the deadbolt. By fitting this specialty keys into these standard locks, and hitting it hard, the pins inside the lock are likely to align and then open for the intruder to gain access into our home or property with just a small twist. 

This is why you need a bump proof lock that is immune to bump keys. Although, different lock manufacturer uses different technology, but the idea is the same by including mechanism within lock so that the bump key is prevented from opening the lock. 

Is my Lock Vulnerable to Been Bumped?

You may want to consider the following to ascertain whether or not your lock is vulnerable to been bumped. Identify if your lock has pin tumbler or whether it is made of cylinder - as this happens to be one of the strongest attributes of a lock that is prone to been bumped. You may also consider the place where you buy your locks because locks that are mass produced also be easily bumped. Additionally, newer pin tumbler locks and cylinder locks are also vulnerable to bumping than older models. If you have a lock with the listed properties, your lock is vulnerable to been bumped. 

Finding a Better Security System for Your Property

Key bumping is not only dangerous for the safety of your family and property, as it has proven to be a highly effective way of invading a property because bumped lock often leaves no trace. This implies that if your lock is bumped, it leaves no signs of forced entry. But then, there is a solution, QuickPro Locksmith offers a safer security system that cannot be bumped. Our trained staff can guide you on the type of security pump proof lock that is most appropriate for your property. There are different options available in the market today, some of which include:

  • Keyless locks that use digital code
  • High-security locks with biometrics fingerprint access
  • Smart bump proof lock with restricted key duplication

QuikPro Locksmith can help you upgrade and get a better security system for your property. So whether you need a bump proof lock or a high-level security lock system, we can help. So let us help you address your property and business lock needs.